Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to know when you have become a real parent (almost)...

Parenting adds a different dimension to experiences in life. As with most experiences, it comes in a package with the good, bad, ugly and cute. During on of those "deep" conversations with my better half, we realized the lifestyle changes we have adapted since our first child. Here is how we know we are becoming real parents...

1. You normal talking volume has increased significantly
2. Sleep has become more luxurious that Louis Vuitton
3. Taking "Annual Leave" has an all new meaning.
4. Watching a boring movie repeatedly is one of the most relaxing things to do.
5. You get kisses a lot more than before.
6. When an overseas holidays seems extremely expensive.
7. There is a sudden "urge" to sign up to be a member of our Primary School Alumni
8. You are more familiar with the story line of Ninjago than latest Korean drama series.
9. When you can memorize at least 5 alien names from Ben 10.
10. When you are not the highest user of your own smart phone.

Feel free to add more in the comments, will be happy to extend the list.

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